Thursday, 6 May 2010

My Feelings During This Sem Break

Tears flow thru..
When i read those sweet messages you use to sent to me when we're in LOVE..
Time Pass so Fast.. I've never wanted to let you go.. But I have to..
Some ppl think that i'm doing it right to let u go n 4get bout you..
Cause they think you're not worth being with me.. But they were wrong..
Its LOVE that make me felt that u're the right one for me..
I really want u back so badly.. Will u do the same?
Honestly I just Cant forget 'bout u..
One of my friend was right.. When he said that the words I said 'bout me "to forget 'bout u
and moving forward without you in my life".. Truth is in My Heart..
Its Impossible to do so..
I have to say out.. I still LOve you.. I cant keep it in my Heart.. It Hurts a lot..
It makes me shout this words to you.. " I LOVE YOU, brainless!!!"
N tat day when u told me that u still have little feelings towards ur ex, juz that word makes me nt trusting u much and kept on doubting you most of the time..
Its those words..!!!
I hate It!!! I know you dont like the things i did..
But do you ever care of what i felt??
N y am I doing the things you dont like me doing it?
Its because of those words.. Make me insecure..
I've trust you so much till that day you told me tat u've still have feelings for ur ex..
I regret forcing you to tell me y u emo..
I didnt know that u will emo 'bout that..
I still rmb that words you told me when u sent me home after we when to james' open house and
I will rmb the memories since 4th February till 15th April..
I felt so F**k**g ANGRY!! when i need to say those words to end our relationship..

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